Gumband also allows specific Controls and Settings to be available depending on the current operating mode; this is defined in the Exhibit Manifest. By default, Settings and Controls are only editable when operating mode is disabled — notice in the screenshots below how the “Reload” button is only available when the operating mode is set to off.
Statuses are displayed on the “Overview” tab. The list of Statuses is restricted by User Permissions. The “Overview” tab also shows a summary of the Exhibit, including read-only Settings and Hardware information.
Controls can be triggered in real-time from the “Controls” tab. The list of Controls is restricted by User Permissions. Controls can be disabled/enabled based on the Exhibit Operating Mode.
Settings are shown as read-only on the “Overview” tab and editable on the “Settings” tab. The list of Settings is restricted by User Permissions. Settings have types such as string, integer, dropdown, etc.