Function Library
isReady( )
Returns true if Gumband is connected to the Gumband Cloud and is ready to process requests. Useful when the Gumband SDK is initialized in multiple places since the constructor returns a singleton and it is possible to "miss" the READY event if an event listener is not configured yet.
setManifest(manifestLocation: string): Promise<void>
Use a local manifest to update the exhibit items on the gumband cloud. This function updates the SDK cache of the manifest as well.
The directory path to the manifest.
getOperatingMode( ): Promise<boolean>
Get the current operating mode for the exhibit from Gumband.
let operatingMode = await gb.getOperatingMode(); console.log(`Operating Mode: ${operatingMode}`); // Operating Mode: true
setOperatingMode(opMode: boolean): Promise<void>
Set the operating mode for the exhibit in Gumband.
The target operating mode.
await gb.setOperatingMode(true);
getStatus(statusName: string): Promise<string>
Get the value of a status from Gumband.
The “id” field of the status in the manifest.
let statusValue = await gb.getStatus('cpu-usage'); console.log(`CPU Usage: ${statusValue}`); // CPU Usage: 50%
setStatus(statusName: string, value: string): Promise<void>
Set the value of a status in Gumband.
The “id” field of the status in the manifest.
The target value to which the status should be set.
await gb.setStatus('cpu-usage', "50%");
getSetting(manifestId: string): Promise<string>
Get the value of a setting from Gumband.
The “id” field of the setting in the manifest.
let motorRPM = await gb.getSetting('motor-rpm'); console.log(`Motor RPM: ${motorRPM}`); // Motor RPM: 30
setSetting(settingName: string, value: string): Promise<void>
Set the value of a setting in Gumband.
The “id” field of the setting in the manifest.
The target value to which the setting should be set.
await setSetting('motor-rpm', '30');
getAllSettings( ): Promise<Map<Setting>>
Get all settings as a map, where the key is the “id” field of each setting in the manifest.
console.log(await gb.getAllSettings()); //{ // 'motor-rpm': { // id: 14, // manifestId: 'motor-rpm', // exhibitId: 1, // type: 'IntegerInput', // display: 'Motor RPM', // enabledOpMode: null, // value: 30, // default: 0, // order: 0, // touchless: null, // listId: null, // groupId: null, // read: true, // write: true // } //}
getAllSettingLists( ): Promise<SettingList[ ]>
Get all setting lists in the manifest as an array.
console.log(await gb.getAllSettingLists()); //[ // { // id: 1, // exhibitId: 1, // manifestId: 'my-list', // listDisplay: 'List Label', // listParent: null, // schema: [ [Object], [Object] ], // listItemCount: 1, // order: [ 'item 1' ], // orderSelf: null, // groupId: null, // settinglistitems: [ [Object] ], // type: 'SettingsList' // } //]
getOnlineHardware( ): Hardware[ ]
Get the list of Gumband Hardware that are currently connected to the SDK.
console.log(gb.getOnlineHardware()); //[ // { // hardwareId: 83, // name: 'Gumband SDK Tutorial', // peripherals: { Button: [Object], LED: [Object] } // } //]
exhibit.getManifest( ): Promise<Manifest>
Get the full manifest of this exhibit from Gumband.
console.log(await gb.exhibit.getManifest()); //{ // manifest: { // id: 249, // siteId: 34, // name: 'Gumband SDK Tutorial', // mqttPath: '', // online: true, // manifestLocked: false, // opMode: 'On', // settingLists: [], // settingGroups: [ [Object], [Object] ], // settings: [ [Object] ], // statuses: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ], // controls: [ [Object], [Object] ], // strapiContent: [] // } //}
exhibit.getStrapiContentSetting(id: number): Promise<StrapiContent>
Get an exhibit setting with type StrapiContent
The database ID of the StrapiContent.
hardware.set(topic: string, value): Promise<void>
Set a hardware property to a value.
A string of the form {hardwareId}/{periph}/{prop}
, where hardwareId
is the ID of the hardware found under the Hardware/Auth tab in the Gumband UI, periph
is the name of the peripheral the property is within, and prop
is the name of the property that is having its value set.
The new value to which the property will be set.
//gmbnd_bool property type await gb.hardware.set("1/My Peripheral/My Property", 1);
hardware.getExhibitHardware( ): Promise<Response<Hardware[ ]>>
Get all hardware associated with this exhibit in the Gumband UI.
console.log(await gb.hardware.getExhibitHardware()); //{ // response: 'success', // hardware: [ // { // id: 83, // siteId: 34, // exhibitId: 249, // mac: '16:95:62:21:1h:h2', // name: 'Gumband SDK Tutorial', // lastHeartbeat: '2023-08-21T16:02:12.133Z', // online: true, // numPeripherals: 2, // controlDebug: true, // gumband_fw: '47', // user_fw: '0', // ip: '', // exhibitIP: '', // exhibitState: 1, // temp: '43.217', // voltage: '4.609', // uptime: '49', // createdAt: '2023-08-08T17:42:11.390Z', // updatedAt: '2023-08-21T16:02:12.131Z' // } // ] //}
hardware.sendMqttMessage(topic: string, rawPayload): Promise<void>
Sends an MQTT message directly to the hardware with the given topic and rawPayload.
A string of the form {hardwareId}/{periph}/{prop}
, where hardwareId
is the ID of the hardware found under the Hardware/Auth tab in the Gumband UI, periph
is the name of the peripheral the property is within, and prop
is the name of the property that is having its value set.
The raw value to be parsed directly by the hardware.
content.getRemoteFileList( ): Promise<Response<File[ ]>
Get a list of all remote file names. These file names will match the files list under the Exhibit/Files tab in the Gumband UI.
let remoteFiles = await gb.content.getRemoteFileList(); console.log(remoteFiles); //{ // response: 'OK', // files: [ // { // file: 'gumband-cassette.png', // name: 'gumband-cassette.png', // hash: 'SlTZJxaq+s5YH4R1KX6wHA==', // lastUpdated: '2023-08-14T19:22:08.547Z', // size: '81204' // } // ], // errors: [] //}
content.getLocalFileList( ): File[ ]
Get a list of all locally saved file names for the exhibit.
let localFiles = content.getLocalFileList(); console.log(localFiles); //{ // files: [ // { // file: 'gumband-cassette.png', // name: 'gumband-cassette.png', // hash: 'SlTZJxaq+s5YH4R1KX6wHA==', // lastUpdated: '2023-08-14T19:22:08.547Z', // size: '81204' // } // ] //}
content.sync( ): Promise<void>
Sync locally saved files with the list of remote files. This is called whenever the SDK makes a connection to Gumband if local files is enabled.
await content.sync();
content.uploadFile(fileStream: ReadStream): Promise<void>
Uploads a file to the list of remote files for the exhibit.
A stream of data from a function such as fs.createReadStream("path/to/file")
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream("path/to/file"); await gb.content.uploadFile(fileStream);
content.downloadFile(file: string): Promise<void>
Downloads the given file name from the remote list of files for the exhibit in Gumband, and saves it in the contentLocation directory for the locally saved exhibit files. Existing files with the same name will be overwritten.
The name of the file.
await gb.content.downloadFile("gumband-cassette.png");
event.create(eventName: string, data: any): Promise<void>
Creates a reporting event of the given event name, and includes the data object given as an object on the event.
The name of the reporting event.
Any data object to be associated with the event.
await gb.event.create("Red Button Pressed", { holdTime: 2.52 }); string): Promise<void>
Logs a message to Gumband as an “info” level log. Logs can be viewed under the Exhibit/Logs tab in the Gumband UI.
The message for the log.
await"This is an info log message");
logger.debug(message: string): Promise<void>
Logs a message to Gumband as an “debug” level log. Logs can be viewed under the Exhibit/Logs tab in the Gumband UI.
The message for the log.
await gb.logger.debug("This is a debug log message");
logger.warn(message: string): Promise<void>
Logs a message to Gumband as an “warn” level log. Logs can be viewed under the Exhibit/Logs tab in the Gumband UI.
The message for the log.
await gb.logger.warn("This is a warning log message");
logger.error(message: string): Promise<void>
Logs a message to Gumband as an “error” level log. Logs can be viewed under the Exhibit/Logs tab in the Gumband UI.
The message for the log.
await gb.logger.error("This is an error log message"); string): Promise<void>
Sends a custom email notification through Gumband. Custom email notifications can be subscribed to on an individual user basis under the Exhibit/Notifications tab of the Gumband UI.
The message for the custom email notification.
await"Your exhibit requires maintenance");
Websocket Events
This is a list of the possible websocket events that may be emitted by the SDK; for example:
gb.on(Sockets.CONTROL_RECEIVED, (payload) => { //code reached when the SDK emits a Sockets.CONTROL_RECEIVED event });
Emitted after the SDK successfully authenticates with Gumband, comes online, and is ready to make requests to Gumband.
Emitted when the SDK successfully authenticates with Gumband and comes online.
Emitted when the SDK losses its websocket connection with Gumband.
Emitted when a control is triggered, usually through the Exhibit/Controls tab in the Gumband UI.
Emitted when a setting is changed, usually through the Exhibit/Settings tab in the Gumband UI.
Emitted when a new setting list item is added or deleted, when the setting list items have their order changed, or when a setting within a setting list item is changed. The payload is the new setting list with all of its items.
Emitted when a setting list item is deleted. The payload is the setting list item that was deleted.
Emitted when the Operation Mode is changed, usually through the Exhibit dashboard in the Gumband UI.
Emitted when a Gumband Hardware associated with the exhibit connects to the exhibit.
Emitted when a Gumband Hardware associated with the exhibit disconnects from the exhibit.
Emitted when a property is changed in a Gumband Hardware that is connected to the exhibit.
Emitted when a new file has been uploaded to Gumband, usually through the Exhibit/Files tab of the Gumband UI.
Emitted when a file is deleted from Gumband, usually through the Exhibit/Files tab of the Gumband UI.