How to Send Log Messages from an Exhibit to Gumband Cloud

How to Send Log Messages from an Exhibit to Gumband Cloud

This How-To assumes you have completed the quick start and have an exhibit connected to Gumband Cloud

Logging Messages to Gumband

Gumband can be used to capture various types of logs. There are four different function calls in the SDK to dispatch different levels of logs to the Gumband cloud for your exhibit:

this.gumbandSDK.logger.debug('This is a debug log'); this.gumbandSDK.logger.info('This is an info log'); this.gumbandSDK.logger.warn('This is a warn log'); this.gumbandSDK.logger.error('This is an error log');

These calls would create the following logs in the Gumband UI:

The Logs tab for an exhibit in the Gumband UI.
  1. Debug logs will remain in the Gumband cloud for 24 hours

  2. Info logs will remain for 72 hours

  3. Warn logs will remain for 1 week

  4. Error logs will only be deleted when a user deletes them

More Information

If you want to learn more about logging (locally, and the GumbandCloudUI) you can check out Gumband Logging Notes .