Table of Contents |
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Connecting the
Built In MQTT Broker
The Exhibit SDK comes with a built in MQTT Broker that the hardware and SDK can use to communicate with each other. To enable the MQTT Broker during the SDK initialization:
There are two ways to connect hardware to an Exhibit SDK application:
Online Mode - authenticate, connect, and manage hardware using the Gumband Cloud.
Offline Mode - connect and manage hardware directly in the SDK, no authentication through the Gumband Cloud.
More information about authentication scenarios, including caching the authentication whitelist, see SDK Hardware Authentication Scenarios
Regardless of the mode, the first step is to enable GBTTin the SDK using a construction parameter.
Note: Gumband hardware connects to the Gumband Cloud and to the Gumband SDK using GBTT, the Gumband MQTT Hardware Service.
Code Block |
const { Gumband, Sockets } = require('@deeplocal/gumband-node-sdk');
const EXHIBIT_ID = '40';
const EXHIBIT_TOKEN = 'a45ne3...';
const gb = new Gumband(
useLocalMQTTBrokergbttEnabled: true, // Enable the hardware MQTT broker
MQTTBrokerPort: 1885, gbttPort: 1883, },
); |
This will instruct the Exhibit SDK to create an MQTT broker at port 1885 (the default port is 1883), and to connect a client to the broker on the Exhibit SDK’s behalf. In this case, the MQTT IP is not required since the SDK has a direct reference to the MQTT broker.
User Defined MQTT Broker
If you want to use your own MQTT Broker instead, you can do that by providing the MQTTBrokerIP option:
Code Block |
const gb = new Gumband(
// (Optional) port for the MQTT broker, defaults to 1883
gb.on(Sockets.READY, async () => {
MQTTBrokerIP: "",
); |
This will instruct the Exhibit SDK to create a client that connects to the broker at
Connecting the Hardware
An Exhibit SDK application will only accept messages from hardware that are whitelisted. There are three options to define this whitelist:
Default: Accept Messages From Any Hardware ID
By default, the whitelist will consist of only a *
. This indicates that the SDK will accept and process messages from any hardware that sends them over the MQTT broker.
Only Accept Messages From Hardware IDs in the Approved Whitelist
Set a whitelist of hardware IDs when the Exhibit SDK first initializes:
Code Block |
const console.log('Gumband Ready!');
}); |
Online Mode
Expand |
title | Steps to connect hardware via the Gumband Dashboard |
Online mode is all done in the Gumband Cloud! Set the Exhibit MQTT IP addressNote: This step is a current limitation of the SDK not registering the IP address where the hardware should connect to, and is planned to be removed in the future.
In the “Hardware” tab for the exhibit, enter the IP address and MQTT port the hardware should connect to. This is typically the IP of the computer running the SDK application, with the default port being 1883. Enter this information in the format: <SDK Computer IP>:<SDK GBTT Port> ie. Image Added
Info |
Anytime associated hardware connects to the Gumband Cloud, it is provided this IP to be able to connect to the Exhibit SDK. Any changes to this setting will immediately be sent to any online hardware. Any offline hardware will be sent the IP the next time it comes online. |
Associate the Hardware with the Exhibit SDKThis can alternatively be done from the Exhibit SDK’s Hardware Tab. 1. Navigate to the hardware you want to add.Sites > [Project Site] > [Hardware] > Overview
2. In the “Overview” tab, click “Connect to Exhibit”. Image Added3. Choose the Exhibit SDK to connect to.A modal will pop up and display all available Exhibits within the same organization. Image AddedThe hardware is set to connect to an Exhibit SDK if the Exhibit name is displayed in the “Overview” tab. Image Added |
Offline Mode
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title | Steps to connect hardware manually |
For instances where you want to bypass hardware authentication and management through Gumband Cloud. This could include an on-site installation where there is flakey or non-existent cloud access. Whitelist the Hardware ID in the SDK Code Block |
| const { Gumband, Sockets } = require('@deeplocal/gumband-node-sdk');
const EXHIBIT_ID = '40';
const EXHIBIT_TOKEN = 'a45ne3...';
const gb = new Gumband(
| MANIFEST useLocalMQTTBrokergbttEnabled: true, // Enable the hardware MQTT broker
| allowedHardwareIds:['ed028e04-41d9-4e77-a5d2-ab4e7346e3a7']},); |
This will only allow the Exhibit SDK to accept messages from hardware with an ID of ed028e04-41d9-4e77-a5d2-ab4e7346e3a7
. All other messages will still be seen by the SDK, but will be ignored.
Only Accept Messages From Hardware That Are Associated With the Same Exhibit in the Gumband UI
Set the whitelist of hardware IDs to whatever hardwares are associated with the same exhibit as the Exhibit SDK in the Gumband UI:
Code Block |
const gb = new Gumband(
useLocalMQTTBroker: true,
allowOnlyCloudHardwareIds: true
); |
You can see which Exhibit SDKs and Hardware are associated with any given exhibit by navigating to the Components tab of any exhibit:
Note |
If two hardwares with the same ID connect through the MQTT Broker, the registration of the first hardware will be overwritten by the second hardware. This is because the properties of a hardware are stored in the SDK based on ID.(Optional) port for the MQTT broker, defaults to 1883
noInternetConnection: true, // SDK needs to run in offline mode to use Hardware ID whitelist
noInternetHardwareIds: [] // Array of offline hardware IDs
gb.on(Sockets.READY, async () => {
console.log('Gumband Ready!');
The hardware needs to know the IP of the computer running the SDK application so it knows where to connect to. We’ll configure the hardware to use this IP using the serial configuration interface, and disable the Gumband Cloud from being able to change it. Description | Command | Set Exhibit Server to Static | write static_exhibit true
| Set Exhibit Server | write exhibit_server XX.XX.XX.XX:1883
Checking the Hardware LED Status
The hardware’s LED status will correspond to how it is connected.
Image Removed Image Added Cyan
| Only Cloud server connected |
Image Removed Image Added Blue
| Only Application server connected |
Image Removed Image Added Green
| Both Cloud server and Application server connected |
Interacting with the SDK
See SDK Events for more information about these events and the available data in the payloads.
There are two stages that the hardware goes through when it connects to the Exhibit SDK. When the SDK receives its first registration message from the hardware, the hardware is considered “connected”. At this time, the SOCKETS.HARDWARE_CONNECTED
event is emitted through the SDK class.
After all system properties and at least one application property has been registered with the Exhibit SDK, that hardware is considered “registered” and the SDK will emit a SOCKETS.HARDWARE_REGISTERED
event. The “registered” event is the more significant of the two, since that event means the SDK is ready to start sending/receiving property updates to/from the hardware.
Hardware online/offline event
Code Block |
| // Event when hardware comes online/connects |
ONLINE, async (payload) => {
console.log(`Hardware with ID ${payload. |
hardwareId} "${payload.name}" online.`);
console.log(payload.peripherals); // Registered properties
}); |
Code Block |
| // Event when hardware comes offline/disconnects
OFFLINE, async (payload) => {
console.log(`Hardware with ID ${payload.hardwareId} "${payload. |
Receive hardware property event
RECEIVED, async (payload) => {
console.log(`Hardware |
Receive hardware property event
Code Block |
// Event when hardware system or app property is changed
gb.on(SOCKETS.HARDWARE_PROPERTY_RECEIVED, async (payload) => {
// {
// id: 'ed028e04-41d9-4e77-a5d2-ab4e7346e3a7',
// info: {
// system: { info: [Object], properties: [Array] },
// app: { info: [Object], properties: [Array] }
// },
// value: [ "myValue" ],
// property: 'My Property',
// source: 'app'
// }
}); |
Set hardware property
ID ${payload.hardwareId} "${payload.name}" sent a property`);
console.log(` property: "${payload.peripheral}/${payload.property}"`);
console.log(` value: ${payload.value}`);
}); |
Set hardware property
Code Block |
gb.hardware.set(`{hardwareId}/{peripheral name}/{property name}`, value); |
Get hardware property
`{hardwareId}/{peripheral name}/{property name}`); |
Get list of currently
connected hardware devices
SDK Button LED Example
Expand |
title | Remote LED and Button Hardware Arduino sketch |
Code Block |
| /*
* Gumband Remote Button/LED Example
* Demonstrates how to control hardware using an Exhibit Application
* - sets up a property to turn the on-board LED on/off.
* - sets up a property that updates when on-board button is pressed/released.
// Create the Gumband Properties
GumbandBoolGumbandProp button_prop = gumbandCreate("Button", "Press", gmbnd_bool);
GumbandBoolGumbandProp led_toggle_prop = gumbandCreate("LED", "Toggle");
// Define our LED/Toggle property write callback
void led_toggle_callback(void)
{, gmbnd_bool);
// TurnLocal thevariable on-boardthat LEDkeeps ontrack orof off using the togglebutton valuestate
static bool if(ledbutton_toggle_prop.getValue()) {
else {
void setup()
// Initialize Gumband
// Attach the callback to execute when something is written to the currently_pressed = false;
// Define our LED/Toggle property write callback
void led_toggle_prop.setWriteCallbackcallback(led_toggle_callback);
// Automatically tell the exhibit application when the button is pressed or released
// Prevent the exhibit application from updating our button
// Register properties by calling subscribe
void loop()
{uint16_t length, void* data)
// Cast our received value to our intended value (we can ignore length since we are expecting one value)
gmbnd_bool_t toggle_val = GUMBAND_BOOL(data);
// Get ifTurn the on-board buttonLED ison pressedor off button_prop.setValue(psocButtonIsPressed());
// Call update to handle incoming Gumband messages
Code Block |
breakoutMode | wide |
language | js |
const { Gumband, Sockets } = require('@deeplocal/gumband-node-sdk');
const EXHIBIT_ID = '40';
const EXHIBIT_TOKEN = 'a45ne3...';
const gb = new Gumband(
using the toggle value
if(toggle_val == 1) {
| useLocalMQTTBroker: true, // Enable the hardware MQTT broker
//MQTTBrokerPort: 1883, // Port for the MQTT broker, defaults to 1883
gb.on(Sockets.READY, async () =>console.log('GumbandReady!');
gb.on(Sockets.HARDWARE_REGISTERED, async (payload) => {
console.log(`Hardware with ID ${payload.id} registered.`);
// Event when hardware disconnects
gb.on(Sockets.HARDWARE_DISCONNECTED, async (payload) => {
console.log(`Hardware with ID ${payload.id} disconnected.`);
// Event when hardware sends a property
gb.on(Sockets.HARDWARE_PROPERTY_RECEIVED, async (payload) => {
//console.log(`Hardware ID ${payload.id} sent a property`);
//console.log(` property: "${payload.property}"`);
//console.log(` value: ${payload.value}`);
void setup()
// Attach the callback to executes when something is written to the LED/Toggle property
gumbandSetWriteCallback(led_toggle_prop, led_toggle_callback);
void loop()
// If | wereceivetheButton/Pressproperty(payload.property === 'Button/Press') {
// If the button is pressed
if(payload.value == 1(gumbandButtonPressed() && button_currently_pressed == false) {
| console.log(`Button pressed!`);
SetLED/Togglepropertyto1(on)gb.hardware.set(`${payload.id}/LED/Toggle`, 1);
}gumbandPublish(button_prop, true);
| //Iftheisnotpressed{
console.log(`Button released!`);
if(!gumbandButtonPressed() && button_currently_pressed == true)
// | SetLED/Togglepropertyto0(off)gb.hardware.set(`${payload.id}/LED/Toggle`, 0);
}gumbandPublish(button_prop, false);
button_currently_pressed = false;
} | );