OS Monitor Version - The current version of the Gumband OS Monitor running on the host machine.
Gumband Exhibit SDK Version - The OS Monitor uses the Gumband SDK to connect to the Gumband cloud service. This is the version of that npm package used.
IP Address - The IP address of the host machine.
OS Platform - The operating system of the host machine.
Last Startup - The last time the host machine was booted.
Exhibit Host Uptime - The time that the host machine has been online.
CPU Usage
Memory Usage - RAM memory usage
Disk Usage - Harddrive disk usage
Total System Memory - Total RAM available on the host machine
Harddrive Capacity - Total harddrive disk capacity
Connected Displays - The displays currently connected to the host machine (Currently only available on Linux)
Number of Displays - The number of displays connected to the host machine (Currently only available on Linux)
Connected USB Devices - The USB devices currently connected to the host machine (Currently only available on Linux)
Number of USB Devices - The number of USB devices currently connected to the host machine (Currently only available on Linux)
The OS Monitor also enables a few simple controls that can assist in remote debugging: