To report an issue/bug follow below steps:
Login into gumband portal
Note: To get login access to gumband reach out to the Oscar Prom (
2. Once logged in, “Need help” option is available on all pages ( on the right hand side)
3. Click “Need help”, which will pop-up a window (as shown below)
4. Complete the form with all applicable details
- What went wrong? - Provide all the applicable details related to the issue
- Attach file - Attach all applicable files related to the issue including but not limited to - Screenshots, images, pictures, videos, documents.
- Name - Name of the person opening the issue or person gumband support team should reach out regarding the issue.
- Email - This will be used for all communication related to the issue.
5. Click “Submit” to submit the issue.
Once the issue is submitted, gumband support team will be notified by email and slack.
One of the support team member from Gumband will pick up the raised issue and work with the person who opened to issue to get it resolved.