

These are instructions on how to set up the Gumband OS Monitor on a linux host machine.


  • Download the Gumband OS Monitor file at the bottom of this page, and put in a place that is unlikely to be touched.

  • Create an exhibit in the Gumband UI, and get an exhibit token and id.

  • Add a .env file to the same directory that the gumband-os-monitor-linux-x64 file is and add the exhibit token and id from the previous step:

    EXHIBIT_TOKEN=02b6903aece21b6sff520ac92dcba457 EXHIBIT_ID=1 # If the Gumband UI you're connecting to is not app.gumband.com, you'll # need to add two more environment variables here: # ENDPOINT=custom <----- indicates a custom IP # CUSTOM_IP=other.gmbnd.com <----- defines an endpoint that isn't app.gumband.com
  • Give the gumband-os-monitor-linux-x64 file execution permission with chmod +x gumband-os-monitor-linux-x64

  • Create a script to run the os monitor from systemd: vi startup.sh

#!/bin/sh //This value may differ depending on the host machine export DISPLAY=:0; cd /path/to/gumband-os-monitor; ./gumband-os-monitor-linux-x64
  • Make that script executable: chmod +x startup.sh

  • Create a systemd daemon for this user with

mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/systemd/user; vi $HOME/.local/share/systemd/user/gumband-os-monitor.service

and edit the service to be:

  • Enable the daemon with: systemctl --user enable gumband-os-monitor.service

  • Ensure that scrot is installed (a linux, command-line screenshot application). Run which scrot to check if it is installed.


  • Reboot the PC. When it boots up, the OS Monitor should show as online in the Gumband UI:

The Gumband OS Monitor showing as “Online” in the Gumband UI. Note the online icon boxed in red.

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