OS Monitor Lite

OS Monitor Lite

We also provide a lighter version of the OS Monitor. It is identical to the full OS Monitor, except it cannot take screenshots of the host machine. Removing this feature makes the installation process much more straightforward, which is why we provide this option.

Windows Installation

In the zip file below, there are three files.

  • gumband-os-monitor-task - This is a “Windows Task Scheduler” task. You can import it into the Task Scheduler app in Windows, and it will ensure the OS Monitor starts up as soon as the PC boots and comes online.

  • gumband-os-monitor-win-x64.exe - This is the OS Monitor executable. It will enable all of these features (except taking screenshots in this Lite version). This file will need to be placed in C:\gumband-os-monitor. If you’d like to put it in a different spot, you’ll need to edit your Windows Task Scheduler task to look for the OS Monitor executable in a different spot.

  • .env - This is an environment file where you’ll need to put your exhibit component ID and TOKEN, so the executable can authenticate itself with Gumband. See these docs for how to create a new exhibit component and get this ID and TOKEN. This file will need to go in the same spot as the executable.

That’s it! You should be able to reboot your PC and the OS Monitor will start up and connect to Gumband.



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